Identity + Brand Management
Corporate Identity
Identity is the single best way to create a memorable experience for your customers. A clear identity will bridge the divide between your company's platforms to craft a smooth customer experience. Our clients come to us for two reasons: they need to say something new or believe their product or service is better than the competition and should look the part.
The combination of color schemes, designs, and words that a company employs to make a visual statement about itself and communicate its business philosophy is the essence of corporate identity. It is an enduring symbol of how a firm views itself, how it wishes to be seen by others, and how others recognize and remember it. Unlike the corporate self-image, corporate identity projects outward; a sensory experience conveyed by such things as buildings, decor, logo, name, slogan, stationery and uniforms is mostly unaffected by its financial performance and ups and downs in its fortunes.
Brand Identity Case Example
Below is an example of how we build a logo and build that logo into various collateral such as the website, T-Shirts, corporate print collateral and more. A strong logo is more than just a pretty picture; it tells a story and creates a connection. We then build upon that logo to create valuable pieces to build even stronger ties between the company and its shareholders and customers.
Brand Management
Brand management involves several vital aspects, such as cost, customer satisfaction, and competition. Brand management is built on a marketing foundation. Still, it focuses directly on the brand and how it can remain favorable to customers. Proper brand management can result in higher sales of one product or service and other products and services associated with that brand.
Brand Management Case Example
Below is an example of how we partner with a firm as they grow. The original client, Craftsmen Developers, is a Maryland land development company. We took their original logo and reimagined it into something more meaningful and recognizable. As the company grew and new opportunities presented, we built new brands in concert with the original. Whether it is orange or blue or similar fonts, we created a cohesive experience underpinned by the foundation of brand management.
Logo Design
Your logo is you or your business' first point of contact with the outside world. If people connect with your branding, the likelihood is they'll be more open to whatever it is offering them. Great logo design requires a complex mixture of design skills, creative theory and skilful application.
Logo design is just one small subset of branding, but the logo or brand mark remains the centerpiece of most branding schemes. And we all know that it's often the part of a new identity that is most picked apart by the public.
When you think of a person who’s impacted your life, it’s almost certain that you can picture what he or she looks like. And so it is with the brands from which we often buy. We can easily picture the logo just by thinking about our experiences with the product, company or service. Where there was once just a handful of companies operating within a particular market or niche, there might now be hundreds, maybe thousands, all competing for attention, all wanting us to look at them first. That creates increasing need for brands to visually differentiate themselves so they’re not confused with competitors.
See what we have done for our clients below: